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A member registered May 27, 2020

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download any, if one doesnt work then try the others.

I guess it is? I wasn't too sure about it so I asked ,_,

no, I mean this from the update notes "PS: There's one scene in this update that, while very wholesome, will show Aki in a way he hasn't been shown before as he's helping Yuuichi. The whole thing is supposed to be very cute, show off (and improve) the bond between the brothers as well as show the vulnerability and helplessness Yuuichi is currently going through. However, because it does show Aki in that kind of situation (it will make sense once you see the scene), creeps might decide they want to latch onto it. I will only say this once: if anyone tries to creep over Aki, I will ban you no questions asked."


Anyone know Mark's pin? Or is it only for patreon

Can anyone tell me how to get the wholesome scene? I need some wholesome moments after what I seen from jun's route. TwT please.

bad ending is when you dont submit to parent's benevolent will, true ending is what you are rewarded with when you select 2 pessimistic choices when the moniter asks you stuff like "do you think Amicus will make a good emperor?" The normal ending is when you answer optimistically to their questions. 

yes, defo getting topped

*happiness noises*